I want to be trained
The Research and Training Department “M. Haritou – Fatourou” in Promitheas C.N.P.C.
- Provides students with the opportunity to put theory into practice and hone clinical skills in an exemplary work environment that promotes impeccable professional conduct and care for the patients while helping the students develop critical thinking and psychomotor skills
- Cooperates with national and international Higher and Highest Educational institutions providing internships as a Students Training Center
- Provides a setting for the students to write their Theses and Dissertations
- Provides training opportunities to mental health professionals, educators, volunteers and groups of people from the community
- Offers specialised on-the-job programmes in cooperation with education providers and scientists to mental health professionals and the overall staff of Mental Health Units
- Participates in innovative research programmes
For those interested in being trained and participating in the actions, please fill in the form below.