About us
Promitheas C.N.P.C. is a non-profit organisation that operates since 2003 in the field of Mental Health, aiming to promote Population Mental Health, prevent Psychiatric Disorders in the community and to protect the rights of vulnerable social groups.
It operates according to Management System Standards type B and C, it is registered in the National Registry of Institution of the Private Sector Non-Profit holding Social Care Services and in the Special Registry of Non- Governmental Organisations. It is supervised by the Department of Mental Health of the Greek Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity within the National Action Plan on the reform of the psychiatric services of the country (“PSYCHARGOS”) and by respective operations of the European Commission. It is a member of European and International Organisations such as the Mental Health of Europe, the Federation of Riding for the Disabled International, the Hellenic Cancer Society, etc.
In the context of Psychiatric reform / De-institutionalisation and socio-economic reintegration of mental health patients, Promitheas C.N.P.C. operates
- Two (2) Psycho-social Rehabilitation Facilities Type of Living Quarters in the Prefectures of Attika and Korinthia , Feasibility Approval no.Y5b/G.P./οik.81857/26-08-2003,
- One (1) Day Center in the Prefecture of Attica, Feasibility Approval no. Υ5b/G.P./οik.97576/26-07-2007 and
- One (1) Protected Housing in the Prefecture of Korinthia, Feasibility Approval no. Υ5b/G.P./οik.24133/09-03-2012
The resources of the Institution come exclusively from the Regular Budget of the Greek Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity as well as from respective co-financed European Union programmes.