Protected Appartment
Of the prefecture of Korinthia
Natural object
The Protected Apartment is the final and most important link in the chain of treatment and reintegration of the medicatings in society.
It is an alternative accommodation structure in the context of a broader psychosocial rehabilitation program and intended for chronic, institutionalized patients participating in a specific rehabilitation program.
It may also be intended for non-institutionalized patients whose psychosocial problems require, among other, a response to the issue of housing.
The Protected House has to perform a number of therapeutic features as listed below:
- Equal distribution of security and support
- Ascension into increasingly higher levels of responsibility on the part of the lodgers
- Promoting socialization and teamwork with respect to the personality of its members
- Family Substitution
- Community awareness
The purpose of Protected Apartment is the integrated provision of support and treatment for people who need with the ultimate aim:
- Return of an individual in society who can manage his own life
- The recovery of the good self esteem who had lost during the encapsulation at different institutions or because it is not possible to depart from the unhealthy environment in which they are forced to live
- Full autonomy of the individual and development for this reason all necessary personal and social skills.
Purpose of Protected District
The Protected Apartment aims to complete the Psychiatric Reform giving the possibility to Mental Health services recipients to survive in an independent living in the community. At this step the goal of deinstitutionalization completes as each lodger exceeds the asylum stage and is incorporated into new living conditions leaving behind the past and building the foundations for a better future.
In this effort they will have the help of Therapeutic Group, wich with daily activities should show off and evolve their personal skills.
For this very reason, activities specifically created for a person or a group therapeutic activity, not an end in themselves, but an occasion to express experiences, memories, emotions, even when such activities have an educational nature. The program is adapted to the activities, not the activities to the shift program.
People destined for the Protected Apartment is 4 patients with severe mental retardation and secondary mental disorders who will come from the Boarding House "Galini B '”.
Protected Apartments accommodate people with mental disorders and severe psychosocial problems, and they provide treatment and support to safe and independent living, achieving in a satisfactory degree their autonomous operation in community and the sustainable development of their individual skills.
More particularly these individuals:
- Not having a family environment or family environment is unable to take care of them.
- They need highly supervisory housing structures.
- They have spent enough time living in housing structures (Boarding Houses) and have acquired after training by Therapeutic Groupabilities to move to independent living conditions.
Protected Apartments should accommodate people from both sexes. This aims to develop rich interpersonal relationships between them thus creating a more orderly picture of the Department to society. Also both combatted and the asylum image with male and female sections which directly affects the psychology of lodgers.
Membership process in the Protected Apartment (P.A.)
A prospective tenant may be at first a tenant hosted on housing structures of our Organization (Boarding Houses). Since they have been referred all of the lodgers of our structures that have the skills to live in an independent living conditions or if there is not one capable lodger, candidates may be people living in the community or hosted by another organization of both government and the private sector.
Each lodger, before judged worthy or not to move into Protected Apartment, should be trained and assessed by the Multidisciplinary Therapeutic Group and Scientific Officer as to the abilities and mood of, so that it can be transferred to the Protected Apartment safely both for himself and their housemates as well as for community. The training takes place in Simulation Rooms developed in our Structures and in which the lodgers are trained in semiautonomous living conditions. There is observed whether each lodger separately or in pairs can take care of his personal hygiene, for cleanliness of his room, for his consistency in recieving medications and also on mutual aid with roommate. During his training each lodger informed about the purpose the objectives and modus operandi of Protected Apartments. Each training cycle lasts one month. In case one tenant deemed capable then permanently transferred to Simulation Room which now is trained more intensively and to more practical issues, until eventually achieve the transfer to a Protected Apartment.
The training and assessment records are discussed by the Science Officer and Multidisciplinary Therapeutic Group and is decided whether each candidate lodger is able to move into Protected Apartment.
Provided Services
The services provided in Protected Flat mainly concern:
- In developing their individual skills
- At consolidating of self-preservation and response to demands of life
- In smooth crises confrontation
- In the correct and permanent medications intake
- In the constant activities evaluation
- In development of written standards and indicators to ensure the quality of mental health care
- In community’s awareness programs to combat the stigma.
Protected Apartment works on a structured daily program aimed at psychosocial rehabilitation of lodgers in community. This program consists of a wide range of activities having in parallel therapeutic, educational and rehabilitative character. These activities involve the lodgers individually or in groups and take place both inside and outside the Structure. For restorative reasons it is considered necessary to have as many activities as possible outside of Protected Apartment sites.
The operation programme of Protected Apartment includes indicative individual and group self-care activities in:
- Health issues
- Personal care and personal appearance
- Personal space-care
- Garden activities pastime
- Constructions
- Expression through art, music and dance
- Briefing through television, newspapers and magazines
- Management of common daily needs through the preparation of meals
- The cleanliness of common use areas and the procurement purchase
- Social dexterities via education in transactions
- Traffic education
- Travel via public transport
- Socialization through acquaintance with the community
- Participation in social events and cultural activities
- Entertainment and autonomisation.
Vocational education and preoccupation
The Multidisciplinary Therapeutic Group concern about the training and preoccupation of the lodgers as long as their age, overall health and functionality allow such action. Also, concern and assist the lodgers of Boarding House in ensuring, protect and exercise of their legal labor rights.
For the above purpose the Multidisciplinary Therapeutic Group develops vocational education activities for the lodgers with individual assessment of the educational level, career history, the peculiarities, skills-dexterities and their desires. The selection of vocational education effected necessarily by taking into account on the one hand the autonomous social reintegration prospects of the individual and on the other of occupational market needs and the available organizations.
The Multidisciplinary Therapeutic Group through the reference person seek and utilizes all possibilities and vocational employment programs for their lodgers In the public or private sector and S.C.L.L.. Especially concerns about the employment of their lodgers that the advanced stage of rehabilitation and poor economic capacity requires that restoration.
The personnel that will be employed in the Protected Apartment, according to no. Υ5β/Γ.Π./οικ.24133/9-3-2012 feasibility approval, will be coming from the personnel of the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Unit “Boarding House Galini B” and additional staff for the first two years of operation. In particular, for the first two years of operation in the context of psychosocial support and the promotion of the lodgers skills to be housed in Protected Apartments will work indicatively:
A. From the existing staff of Boarding House "GALINI B"
- One (1) Psychologist
- One (1) Social Worker
- Two (2) Nurses
B. As an external partner
- One (1) full-time General Duties employee